Our commitment to you is making your dental experience as pleasant and painless as possible, Part compassion, part technique, and part technology. The gentle dentistry we provide you is a dental experience that keeps you coming back – for generations.
Where Do I Start?
Getting started as our patient is so easy: just contact us or request your new patient appointment. Should you have a dental emergency when we are not in the office, you may call Dr. Neil at 507-895-6770.

Transferring from another dental office?
We're glad you are considering our services. We will assist you in obtaining any necessary records from your previous dentist to provide you the best dental care.
Because it is important to us you receive both the time and attention you deserve at each of your visits, please call in advance so ample time may be reserved for you. We make every effort to honor scheduled appointment times and ask our patients to do the same.
We are ready to answer your questions - contact us or visit our offices.